Saturday, November 6, 2010

Internship- Roots & Shoots Shanghai

Hey Guys,
Now I know this blog has been lacking in posts recently and I do apologise, but in my defence I have been very very busy! I promise I will get back to “THE NATIONAL WEEK” story as soon as I tell you about my placement. After being in Shanghai for 3 months I have not mentioned my internship placement to you all. I’m sure that a few of you have heard me mention it in private e-mails or what not but for those of you who haven’t I will explain. I have been working at Shanghai’s Roots & Shoots with their Kid Strong program: a program dedicated to teaching health and hygiene to migrant children. Me and my partner, Grace will travel to a total of 4 migrant school located on the outskirts of Shanghai, about a 3 hour trek there and back. At the school we proceed to attempt to teach migrant children proper health and hygiene techniques and habits. I should clarify here; Grace teaches the children health and hygiene while I pathetically attempt to teach them fruits and vegetables in English.

So far the internship has had its pros and cons:
I have gotten to know Grace very well, she is a wonderful partner and helps me with my Mandarin
I am really bad at Mandarin
I get to work with Children and test out my teaching skills
      They only speak Mandarin
I have learned a lot about the inequalities and living conditions in Shanghai
Knowing that migrant children automatically have less of an advantage to succeed and cannot peruse a higher education in Shanghai due to their hukou is very hard, especially when you can see how much potential these children posses.  
I can build my resume
Hearing the stories of the children and their families can be heartbreaking. I recently found out that one of the students and his younger sister at the kindergarten were found living under a bridge for a year and a half because their family could not afford the housing costs in Shanghai.
I teach the children English
The schools are located on the boarder of Shanghai, which means 3 hours of travelling there and back
Somehow I would like to believe I am making a slight difference to the lives of these children
The Schools and its surroundings are unbelievably appalling to Western standards. The kindergarten was small dirty and was surrounded by a garbage site with exposed metal and electrical wire merely 2 feet from the schools walls. The primary school is surrounded by factories pumping out pollution. Both schools have no heat or air.

Well there you have it the pros and cons to my internship placement. I am glad that I was chosen to be a part of this organisation and although they are a bit disorganised I always keep in mind the situation they are in. NGO’s in China have a hard time implementing or facilitating their programs as the Chinese government enforces strict rules and maintains a watchful eye. Roots and Shoot’s is still in the process of fine tuning their methods and with our help they will be able to see what can be improved.  A few weeks ago Grace and I had to write an article for the organisation which I just found out has been published online on Shanghai Expat. If you would like to read it here is the link:
I also want to apologise for the grammar, I believe they took parts from the English version and also parts from the Chinese version, re-translated it and thus some parts do not flow that well.  Any way that’s not really the point, the point is that I have an article published online and I think that’s pretty cool….

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