Saturday, August 6, 2011


Monday August 1st- 2nd

We all have this itch, one that cannot be scratched. It just gnaws at you subtly resting in the back of your consciousness. It’s the thought of what’s next? Or where do I go from here?
I recently finished my 4 year degree at Queens University and although I just returned from an exchange in Shanghai and a recent trip to Thailand, the itch has just grown stronger. Wonderlust has officially taken over and I now find myself embarking on another adventure. I am heading back to the East … surprise, surprise! The bright lights, large lifestyle, rich history and captivating culture of Shanghai has called me back once again. This time I will be living in the city for about one year and if you know me, you know that I can get up to a lot of trouble in a year. I will be teaching English in the city and living with my good friend Erika (two single girls in a big city… I yah!).
I invite you all to join me in my adventure. Follow along and enjoy because if this year is anything like the last were all in for a bumpy yet amazing ride.

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